Your Business Attorney


Legal support for complex matters

Areas of Practice



Leases are typically complex.  Landlords want consistency across all their real estate and to ensure that they have contemplated every cost. Rent is just one. Tenants want to be able to forecast monthly expenses. A complicated, unexplained lease can cost you your business. 


Whether you're the immigrating worker or the business in need of one, we have the experience and knowledge to ensure its as smooth as possible. We have experience handling everything from family petitions to J1 waivers and extraordinary ability self-petitions. If you're an individual or business in need of immigration advice or support, you've come to the right place. 


Agreements between employers and prospective business partners are unavoidable. Non-disclosures can be deceptively short. But they can be one-sided. Non-competes must often be carefully drafted to be valid. If you already have one, we can review it before you make the decision to leave your current job.


Employment agreements can take many forms. They can be very detailed or less so, but they’ll typically involve bases for termination and the consequences that derive from it. Both employer and employee want to understand the worst-case scenario – an attorney can help explain and mitigate it.


Building a business on firm legal footing is essential.  Trying to establish limited liability status after you’ve begun operating as a business is generally a bad idea. If you form a company with limited liability protection at the beginning, you’ll save yourself the headache of worrying about the gap in protection.


As companies grow larger, they tend to need continuing legal services. Coppola & Jabaly offers standardized packages for small to medium businesses.  Our packages offer both legal advice and counsel in a way that helps ensure financial regularity.  Ask us about these packages if your business has reached the next level.

Business litigation

Sometimes clients or customers don’t pay. Other times, contractors don’t perform as agreed upon. You’re left high and dry. And ignoring the problem often just makes it worse-especially if you are the one getting sued.  Instead of hoping the problem will go away, you can hire experienced litigators.

government contracts

Government contracts are a special class of their own. They are regulated by many rules and aren’t dictated by the parties’ choices to the extent of normal private agreements. Attorneys who are familiar with them can provide value and help avoid complications later on.   


Procurement is a fancy word for when the government acts as a market participant – buying goods and services it needs. When it does that, it enjoys special rights and conditions. When a dispute arises, the procedure is also very different. Attorneys with experience can guide you through the government labyrinth.